Inria job offers
141 job offers
Master Internship in Computer Vision and geometry processing: Efficient data structures and algorithms for processing massive point clouds
- Job reference: 2024-08221
- Town/city : Sophia Antipolis
- Inria Team : TITANE
- Deadline to apply :
Reconstruction of the Cosmic Web
- Job reference: 2024-08209
- Town/city : Sophia Antipolis
- Inria Team : TITANE
- Deadline to apply :
Responsable des Affaires Financières
- Job reference: 2024-07998
- Town/city : Villeurbanne
- Inria Team : DIR-LYS
- Deadline to apply :
Doctorant F/H CIFRE - Apprentissage faiblement supervisé à grande échelle pour le diagnostic différentiel basé sur la parole
- Job reference: 2024-08317
- Town/city : Villers lès Nancy
- Inria Team : MULTISPEECH
- Deadline to apply :
Ingénieur de recherche pour le développement d'algorithmes et de logiciels d'optimisation différentiable
- Job reference: 2024-08320
- Town/city : Paris
- Inria Team : WILLOW
- Deadline to apply :
Research Engineer (Compilation/HPC)
- Job reference: 2024-08312
- Town/city : Strasbourg
- Inria Team : CAMUS
- Deadline to apply :
Post-Doctoral Research Visit F/M Code optimization in the MICROCARD project: compiler-generated efficient CPU and GPU codes for membrane models
- Job reference: 2024-08314
- Town/city : Strasbourg
- Inria Team : CAMUS
- Deadline to apply :
Ingénieur.e Chef.fe de projet Expert LaborIA au sein du programme IA Inria
- Job reference: 2024-08321
- Town/city : Le Chesnay
- Inria Team : DIRECTION
- Deadline to apply :
STAGE (Internship) in learning non local structure preserving closure for Vlasov equation
- Job reference: 2024-08290
- Town/city : strasbourg
- Inria Team : MACARON
- Deadline to apply :
STAGE (Internship) - Hybrid neural PIC methods for Vlasov equations
- Job reference: 2024-08291
- Town/city : STRASBOURG
- Inria Team : MACARON
- Deadline to apply :
Post-Doctorant F/H Towards a generalization of cryptanalysis families
- Job reference: 2024-08327
- Town/city : Paris
- Inria Team : COSMIQ
- Deadline to apply :
Internship - Creation of a mobile Raspberry Pi-based 4D model capture platform
- Job reference: 2024-08325
- Town/city : Montbonnot
- Inria Team : SED-RAL
- Deadline to apply :
Mise en oeuvre d'un framework de Federated Learning pour l'Actuariat basé sur des données autonome
- Job reference: 2024-08324
- Town/city : Lyon
- Inria Team : AVALON
- Deadline to apply :
Post-Doctorant F/H Les sciences informatiques face à l'Anthropocène
- Job reference: 2024-08335
- Town/city : Paris (collaboration avec le CSI)
- Inria Team : SPADES
- Deadline to apply :
Ingénieur F/H en recherche opérationnelle : résolution de problèmes d'emballage 3D avec contraintes
- Job reference: 2024-08409
- Town/city : Talence
- Inria Team : EDGE
- Deadline to apply :
PhD Position F/M Multilingual speech synthesis, with application to regional languages
- Job reference: 2024-08319
- Town/city : Villers lès Nancy
- Inria Team : MULTISPEECH
- Deadline to apply :
PhD Position F/M Multilingual and cross-cultural automatic analysis of argumentation structures in political debates
- Job reference: 2024-08332
- Town/city : Paris
- Inria Team : ALMANACH
- Deadline to apply :
Post-Doctorant F/H Research on Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for Manipulation and Locomotion in Robotics
- Job reference: 2024-08339
- Town/city : Paris
- Inria Team : WILLOW
- Deadline to apply :
Chronic inflammatory diseases endotyping Researcher (M/F)
- Job reference: 2024-08193
- Town/city : Villeneuve d'Ascq
- Inria Team : INRIA
- Deadline to apply :
Internship - Formal reasoning examples generation for large language model training (M/F)
- Job reference: 2024-08323
- Town/city : Villeneuve d'Ascq
- Inria Team : MAGNET
- Deadline to apply :
Internship UX/UI Design
- Job reference: 2024-08300
- Town/city : Rennes
- Inria Team : SED-RBA
- Deadline to apply :
Post-Doctoral Research Visit F/M Microstructural analysis in late-life depression using diffusion MRI multi-compartments models and tractometry
- Job reference: 2024-08225
- Town/city : Rennes
- Inria Team : EMPENN
- Deadline to apply :
PhD Position F/M PhD position: Steering formal reasoning problems generation for LLM reasoning improvement
- Job reference: 2024-08347
- Town/city : Villeneuve d'Ascq
- Inria Team : MAGNET
- Deadline to apply :
Resource-Aware Conservative Static Analysis (M/F)
- Job reference: 2024-08328
- Town/city : Villeneuve d'Ascq
- Inria Team : SYCOMORES
- Deadline to apply :
Post-Doctorant F/H Modèle de données unifié pour Software Heritage et l’IA générative
- Job reference: 2024-08344
- Town/city : Rennes
- Inria Team : DIVERSE
- Deadline to apply :
Users trust in collaborative writing in Wikipedia
- Job reference: 2024-08340
- Town/city : Villers lès Nancy
- Inria Team : COAST
- Deadline to apply :
Post-Doctoral Research Visit F/M Local search for combinatorial multi-armed bandits
- Job reference: 2024-08118
- Town/city : Rennes
- Inria Team : LACODAM
- Deadline to apply :
Développeur·euse Front / UX designer
- Job reference: 2024-08350
- Town/city : Rennes
- Inria Team : STIP-RBA
- Deadline to apply :
Stage en caractérisation de scènes et d’événements acoustiques pour le résumé automatique d’enregistrement de parole
- Job reference: 2024-08404
- Town/city : Paris
- Inria Team : MIS-DEFENSE
- Deadline to apply :
Stage en amélioration d’un système de détection de deepfake audio par une approche adversariale
- Job reference: 2024-08403
- Town/city : Paris
- Inria Team : MIS-DEFENSE
- Deadline to apply :
Post-Doctoral Research Visit F/M Multigraded elimination, resultants and discriminants
- Job reference: 2024-08231
- Town/city : Sophia Antipolis
- Inria Team : AROMATH
- Deadline to apply :
Internship - Diffusion-based Unsupervised Joint Speech Enhancement, Dereverberation, and Separation
- Job reference: 2024-08369
- Town/city : Villers lès Nancy
- Inria Team : MULTISPEECH
- Deadline to apply :
Internship - Contrastive Multimodal Pretraining for Noise-aware Diffusion-based Audio-visual Speech Enhancement
- Job reference: 2024-08376
- Town/city : Villers lès Nancy
- Inria Team : MULTISPEECH
- Deadline to apply :
Internship - Diffusion-based Unsupervised Joint Speech Enhancement, Dereverberation, and Separation
- Job reference: 2024-08375
- Town/city : Villers lès Nancy
- Inria Team : MULTISPEECH
- Deadline to apply :
Internship - Comparative analysis of diffusion models and variational autoencoders as data-driven priors for speech enhancement
- Job reference: 2024-08377
- Town/city : Villers lès Nancy
- Inria Team : MULTISPEECH
- Deadline to apply :
Office Manager-Assistant.e de proximité (F/H)
- Job reference: 2024-08355
- Town/city : Puteaux
- Inria Team : DGD-I
- Deadline to apply :
Ingénieur.e plateformes cyber sécurité (F/H)
- Job reference: 2024-08356
- Town/city : Puteaux
- Inria Team : DGD-I
- Deadline to apply :
Temporary scientific engineer / Numerical optimization, machine learning and statistical methods
- Job reference: 2024-08382
- Town/city : Paris
- Inria Team : SIERRA
- Deadline to apply :
NLP Engineer : development of an embodied conversational agent
- Job reference: 2024-08384
- Town/city : Paris
- Inria Team : ALMANACH
- Deadline to apply :
Chargé des partenariats et des projets d’innovation (H/F) Confirmé.e
- Job reference: 2024-08063
- Town/city : Paris
- Inria Team : STIP-PRO
- Deadline to apply :
Assistant administratif (H/F)
- Job reference: 2024-08390
- Town/city : Talence
- Inria Team : DIR-BOR
- Deadline to apply :
Post-Doctoral Research Visit F/M Real-time vessel localization in fluoroscopy for autonomous endovascular navigation
- Job reference: 2024-08389
- Town/city : Strasbourg (near the hospital campus)
- Inria Team : MIMESIS
- Deadline to apply :
Ingénieur R&D F/H en Développement Calcul Scientifique et HPC
- Job reference: 2024-08394
- Town/city : Pau
- Inria Team : MAKUTU
- Deadline to apply :
Research Internship : Verbalization of Social Behaviors for Multimodal Dialogue
- Job reference: 2024-08393
- Town/city : Villers lès Nancy
- Inria Team : MULTISPEECH
- Deadline to apply :
Conception de stent patient-spécifiques par optimisation de forme
- Job reference: 2024-08396
- Town/city : Strasbourg
- Inria Team : MIMESIS
- Deadline to apply :
Stage en communication audiovisuelle (F/H)
- Job reference: 2024-08401
- Town/city : Le Chesnay
- Inria Team : DGD-A
- Deadline to apply :
PhD Position F/M Trustworthy AI hardware architectures
- Job reference: 2023-05930
- Town/city : Rennes
- Inria Team : TARAN
- Deadline to apply :
PhD Position F/M Experimentation with LLMs for Fortran migration
- Job reference: 2024-08395
- Town/city : Villeneuve d'Ascq
- Inria Team : EVREF
- Deadline to apply :
Post-Doctoral Research Visit F/M Resource allocation and scheduling for data stream processing in shared Fog environments
- Job reference: 2024-08203
- Town/city : Rennes
- Inria Team : MAGELLAN
- Deadline to apply :
Research Internship : Adapting LLMs to French patient-doctor interviews
- Job reference: 2024-08399
- Town/city : Villers lès Nancy
- Inria Team : MULTISPEECH
- Deadline to apply :
STAGE - Conception d’un jumeau numérique de l’œil, lutte contre la myopie
- Job reference: 2024-08400
- Town/city : Strasbourg
- Inria Team : MIMESIS
- Deadline to apply :
This position takes place in the ANR project NetFlux aimed at simulating the opening of stomata guard cells, and in particular the coupling between electro-chemical, water transport and mechanics
- Job reference: 2024-08392
- Town/city : Lyon
- Inria Team : MOSAIC
- Deadline to apply :
Assistant Administrative (H/F)
- Job reference: 2024-08011
- Town/city : Le Chesnay
- Inria Team : DRH-SRH
- Deadline to apply :
Engineer: Data placement and retrieval in erasure coded IPFS
- Job reference: 2024-08214
- Town/city : Rennes
- Inria Team : MAGELLAN
- Deadline to apply :
Temporary Research Position / Security and Confidentiality
- Job reference: 2024-08381
- Town/city : Paris
- Inria Team : PROSECCO
- Deadline to apply :
Research internship on bosonic quantum error correction
- Job reference: 2024-08413
- Town/city : Paris
- Inria Team : CASCADE
- Deadline to apply :
High performance computing for the study of nanoscale light-matter interactions
- Job reference: 2022-05513
- Town/city : Sophia Antipolis
- Inria Team : ATLANTIS
- Deadline to apply :
Development and application of a software platform for nanophotonics
- Job reference: 2023-05859
- Town/city : Sophia Antipolis
- Inria Team : ATLANTIS
- Deadline to apply :
Internship position F/M Reduced-order modeling with Artificial Neural Networks for nanophotonics
- Job reference: 2023-07051
- Town/city : Sophia Antipolis
- Inria Team : ATLANTIS
- Deadline to apply :
Lab Manager (H/F)
- Job reference: 2023-06926
- Town/city : Paris
- Inria Team : ALMANACH
- Deadline to apply :
PhD Position F/M Deep Neural Network-assisted computational design of highly efficient ultrafast dynamical metasurfaces
- Job reference: 2024-07083
- Town/city : Sophia Antipolis
- Inria Team : ATLANTIS
- Deadline to apply :
Internship position F/M Optical sensitivity of Gap Plasmon Resonators
- Job reference: 2024-07089
- Town/city : Sophia Antipolis
- Inria Team : ATLANTIS
- Deadline to apply :
PhD Position F/M PhD student on privacy-preserving federate learning with applications in oncology
- Job reference: 2024-07158
- Town/city : Villeneuve d'Ascq
- Inria Team : MAGNET
- Deadline to apply :
Engineer - Scientific programmer in privacy-preserving federate learning with applications in oncology
- Job reference: 2024-07159
- Town/city : Villeneuve d'Ascq
- Inria Team : MAGNET
- Deadline to apply :
Post-Doctoral Research Visit F/M privacy preserving federated learning with applications in medical domains
- Job reference: 2024-07160
- Town/city : Villeneuve d'Ascq
- Inria Team : MAGNET
- Deadline to apply :
ML Scientist Intern
- Job reference: 2024-08007
- Town/city : Paris
- Inria Team : INCUB-PRO
- Deadline to apply :
Pilote activité maintenance
- Job reference: 2024-08100
- Town/city : Palaiseau
- Inria Team : STG-SIF
- Deadline to apply :
Post-Doctoral Research Visit F/M PostDoc position in Software Language Engineering.
- Job reference: 2024-08141
- Town/city : Sophia Antipolis
- Inria Team : KAIROS
- Deadline to apply :
Software Engineer for “Software Defined Vehicle”
- Job reference: 2024-08142
- Town/city : Sophia Antipolis
- Inria Team : KAIROS
- Deadline to apply :
Post-doctoral research position on plant disease identification based on deep learning
- Job reference: 2024-08146
- Town/city : Montpellier
- Inria Team : ZENITH
- Deadline to apply :
Python Software for Variable Importance analysis and visualization
- Job reference: 2024-08155
- Town/city : Palaiseau
- Inria Team : MIND
- Deadline to apply :
Post-Doctoral Research Visit F/M Faster Bilevel Optimization to Accelerate Machine Learning
- Job reference: 2024-08159
- Town/city : Palaiseau
- Inria Team : MIND
- Deadline to apply :
Production Engineer for the Coq Platform
- Job reference: 2024-08181
- Town/city : Sophia Antipolis
- Inria Team : SED-SOP
- Deadline to apply :
Tools for collection, context inference, trajectory reconstruction and contact inference
- Job reference: 2024-08185
- Town/city : Palaiseau
- Inria Team : TRIBE
- Deadline to apply :
- Job reference: 2024-08188
- Town/city : Sophia Antipolis
- Inria Team : MORPHEME
- Deadline to apply :
Engineer H/F: Automated discovery of interference patterns in multi-core architectures
- Job reference: 2024-08187
- Town/city : Talence
- Inria Team : FLOWERS
- Deadline to apply :
Ingénieur en informatique théâtrale
- Job reference: 2024-08125
- Town/city : Montbonnot
- Inria Team : ANIMA
- Deadline to apply :
Ingénieur en élaboration d’une plateforme d'enregistrement vidéo stéréoscopique embarquée pour la neurochirurgie
- Job reference: 2024-08202
- Town/city : Sophia Antipolis
- Inria Team : CAMIN
- Deadline to apply :
Post-Doctoral Research Visit F/M Distributed Machine Learning at the Network Edge
- Job reference: 2023-06139
- Town/city : Sophia Antipolis
- Inria Team : NEO
- Deadline to apply :
Ingénieur en acquisition et traitement de données capteurs
- Job reference: 2024-08212
- Town/city : Sophia Antipolis
- Inria Team : ACENTAURI
- Deadline to apply :
R&D Engineer - Distributed/federated machine learning over IoT data streams
- Job reference: 2024-08226
- Town/city : Paris
- Inria Team : MIMOVE
- Deadline to apply :
Doctorant F/H Optimisation et algorithmes de contrôle pour les agents distribués dans les réseaux d'énergie
- Job reference: 2024-08228
- Town/city : Paris
- Inria Team : ARGO
- Deadline to apply :
Responsable administrative et financière - Programme Cybersécurité F/H
- Job reference: 2024-08271
- Town/city : Puteaux
- Inria Team : DRH-SRH
- Deadline to apply :
Directeur/ice adjoint/e du Challenge sur l’évaluation des systèmes d’IA d’usage général
- Job reference: 2024-08276
- Town/city : Le Chesnay
- Inria Team : DIRECTION
- Deadline to apply :
Post-Doctoral Research Visit F/M Learning Variational Mathematical Morphological Operators for Computer Vision
- Job reference: 2024-08267
- Town/city : Gif-sur-Yvette
- Inria Team : OPIS
- Deadline to apply :
Research Engineer: Data Science and Security for Healthcare Applications
- Job reference: 2024-08282
- Town/city : Sophia Antipolis
- Inria Team : EPIONE
- Deadline to apply :
Stage - Développement d’algorithmes d’orchestration de tâches IA sur des équipements embarqués
- Job reference: 2024-08322
- Town/city : Sophia Antipolis
- Inria Team : INCUB-SOP
- Deadline to apply :
Post-Doctoral Research Visit F/M Mobility-aware Edge Computing for 5G
- Job reference: 2024-07457
- Town/city : Palaiseau
- Inria Team : TRIBE
- Deadline to apply :
PhD Position F/M Topology Design for Decentralized Federated Learning
- Job reference: 2023-06130
- Town/city : Sophia Antipolis
- Inria Team : NEO
- Deadline to apply :
Chef.fe de projet Communication
- Job reference: 2024-08054
- Town/city : Le Chesnay
- Inria Team : MISSION IA
- Deadline to apply :
Post-Doctoral Research Visit F/M Post-Doctorant - Multi-robot formation control for collaborative SLAM
- Job reference: 2024-08331
- Town/city : Sophia Antipolis
- Inria Team : ACENTAURI
- Deadline to apply :
R&D Engineer - Exascale storage
- Job reference: 2024-08336
- Town/city : Rennes
- Inria Team : KERDATA
- Deadline to apply :
Stage rémunéré : Développement de noyaux GPUs pour le code open-source hawen
- Job reference: 2024-08349
- Town/city : PAU
- Inria Team : MAKUTU
- Deadline to apply :
Business Development Internship
- Job reference: 2024-08352
- Town/city : Paris
- Inria Team : INCUB-PRO
- Deadline to apply :
Chef.fe de projet Gouvernance internationale de l’intelligence artificielle
- Job reference: 2024-08097
- Town/city : Le Chesnay
- Inria Team : DG
- Deadline to apply :
Ingénieur de recherche en support du projet ODISSEE
- Job reference: 2024-08338
- Town/city : Lyon
- Inria Team : AVALON
- Deadline to apply :
REFERENT SI (F/H) pour le Siège
- Job reference: 2024-08137
- Town/city : Le Chesnay
- Inria Team : DSI-SRSI
- Deadline to apply :
Software development engineer for causal machine learning
- Job reference: 2024-08378
- Town/city : Montpellier
- Inria Team : PREMEDICAL
- Deadline to apply :
Développement d'un logiciel pour la planification et la commande optimale de systèmes multi-agents coopératifs
- Job reference: 2024-08387
- Town/city : Sophia Antipolis
- Inria Team : ACENTAURI
- Deadline to apply :
Coordonnateur Projets de recherche et de transfert (F/H)
- Job reference: 2024-08281
- Town/city : Paris - La Defense
- Inria Team : DGD-I
- Deadline to apply :
Assistante / Assistant de direction à la Direction générale déléguée à la Politique de site
- Job reference: 2024-08407
- Town/city : Rocquencourt
- Inria Team : DGD-PS
- Deadline to apply :
Master Internships on Deep Learning Side-Channel Security
- Job reference: 2024-08418
- Town/city : Rennes
- Inria Team : SUSHI
- Deadline to apply :
Chef de projet Expert en Cryptographie
- Job reference: 2024-08313
- Town/city : SACLAY
- Inria Team : DIRECTION
- Deadline to apply :
Ingénieur scientifique contractuel / Cryptographie historique
- Job reference: 2024-08402
- Town/city : Villers lès Nancy
- Inria Team : CARAMBA
- Deadline to apply :
Research & Development Engineer position on Social Robotics at Inria, in Grenoble, France
- Job reference: 2024-08315
- Town/city : Montbonnot
- Inria Team : CHROMA
- Deadline to apply :
PhD Position F/M LLM4Code and SopraSteria: Software migration and modernization with LLMs
- Job reference: 2024-08406
- Town/city : Rennes
- Inria Team : DIVERSE
- Deadline to apply :
PhD Position F/M Reliability Enhancement of Post-Von Neumann Hardware Accelerators
- Job reference: 2024-08419
- Town/city : Rennes
- Inria Team : TARAN
- Deadline to apply :
Engineer on private and decentralized machine learning for medicine (H/F)
- Job reference: 2024-08014
- Town/city : Villeneuve d'Ascq
- Inria Team : MAGNET
- Deadline to apply :
Responsable de Service d’Expérimentation et de Développement
- Job reference: 2024-08093
- Town/city : Palaiseau
- Inria Team : SED-SAC
- Deadline to apply :
Post-Doctoral Research Visit F/M Postdoctoral project - Advanced modelling of nonlinear metasurfaces for efficient and ultra-compact short-wavelength infrared radiation
- Job reference: 2024-08246
- Town/city : Sophia Antipolis
- Inria Team : ATLANTIS
- Deadline to apply :
Mathematical modeling and analysis for biological rhythms of 12 hours
- Job reference: 2024-08293
- Town/city : Sophia Antipolis
- Inria Team : MACBES
- Deadline to apply :
European Project Manager
- Job reference: 2024-08329
- Town/city : Villeneuve d'Ascq
- Inria Team : DDO-SCE
- Deadline to apply :
PhD Position F/M Robust Federated Learning
- Job reference: 2024-08353
- Town/city : Sophia Antipolis
- Inria Team : NEO
- Deadline to apply :
Machine Learning Applied to Argumentative Reasoning
- Job reference: 2024-08362
- Town/city : Sophia Antipolis
- Inria Team : WIMMICS
- Deadline to apply :
A Neuro-Symbolic Approach to Deal with Implicit Arguments
- Job reference: 2024-08360
- Town/city : Sophia Antipolis
- Inria Team : WIMMICS
- Deadline to apply :
Simulation des effets de la stimulation électrique directe cérébrale à partir de modèles biophysiques d’axones
- Job reference: 2024-08374
- Town/city : Montpellier
- Inria Team : CAMIN
- Deadline to apply :
Robust inversion with quantile surrogate models
- Job reference: 2024-08386
- Town/city : Sophia Antipolis
- Inria Team : ACUMES
- Deadline to apply :
Post-Doctoral Research Visit F/M Designing a foundation model for unified video representation learning for multiple camera conditions such as CCTV, dash cam, UAV cam, movies camera, etc...
- Job reference: 2024-08397
- Town/city : Sophia Antipolis
- Inria Team : STARS
- Deadline to apply :
Ingénieur-formateur Quantique / HPC Inria Academy (H/F)
- Job reference: 2024-07218
- Town/city : Sophia Antipolis- Rennes - Paris
- Inria Team : DGD-I
- Deadline to apply :
Physically-informed machine learning for modelling the dynamics of plant-pathogens molecular interactions
- Job reference: 2024-08405
- Town/city : Sophia Antipolis
- Inria Team : ACUMES
- Deadline to apply :
Etude numérique des ondes générées par le mouvement dans le cortex visuel via la plateforme Macular
- Job reference: 2024-08408
- Town/city : Sophia Antipolis
- Inria Team : BIOVISION
- Deadline to apply :
Stratégies d'adaptation et de résilience des communautés phytoplanctoniques face aux contaminants : Optimisation de l'allocation des ressources dans un consortium microalgues-bactéries pour la croissance et la défense
- Job reference: 2024-08330
- Town/city : Sophia Antipolis
- Inria Team : BIOCORE
- Deadline to apply :
Ingénieur Python NLP pour une application de fact-checking
- Job reference: 2024-08410
- Town/city : Palaiseau
- Inria Team : CEDAR
- Deadline to apply :
INTERSHIP Scalable unsupervised subtle anomaly detection from longitudinal MR imaging data: Application to Parkinson’s disease
- Job reference: 2024-08370
- Town/city : Montbonnot
- Inria Team : STATIFY
- Deadline to apply :
Grid Coloring for Object Sensing and Localization (Master's Internship)
- Job reference: 2024-08184
- Town/city : Palaiseau
- Inria Team : TRIBE
- Deadline to apply :
Gestionnaire Financier H/F à Grenoble
- Job reference: 2024-07793
- Town/city : GRENOBLE
- Inria Team : DAFP
- Deadline to apply :
Utilisation des champs de Markov pour le nommage d'embryons d'ascidie
- Job reference: 2024-08297
- Town/city : Sophia Antipolis
- Inria Team : MORPHEME
- Deadline to apply :
Design and development of a data visualization library for SPARQL query results
- Job reference: 2024-08414
- Town/city : Sophia Antipolis
- Inria Team : WIMMICS
- Deadline to apply :
Master 2 internship: Development of a deep latent block model for co-clustering
- Job reference: 2024-08415
- Town/city : Sophia Antipolis
- Inria Team : MAASAI
- Deadline to apply :
Chargé de gestion des contrats de recherche H/F
- Job reference: 2024-08421
- Town/city : Siège ou autre Centre Inria
- Inria Team : DAFP
- Deadline to apply :
Contrôleur de gestion (H/F)
- Job reference: 2024-08420
- Town/city : Le Chesnay
- Inria Team : SBCG
- Deadline to apply :
Chargé des partenariats et des projets d’innovation européens (H/F)
- Job reference: 2024-08412
- Town/city : Paris
- Inria Team : STIP-PRO
- Deadline to apply :
Inverse design of an optical power splitter using a global optimization method
- Job reference: 2024-08080
- Town/city : Sophia Antipolis
- Inria Team : ATLANTIS
- Deadline to apply :
Post-Doctoral Research Visit F/M Cooperative Inference Strategies
- Job reference: 2024-07823
- Town/city : Sophia Antipolis
- Inria Team : NEO
- Deadline to apply :
PhD Position F/M Online Learning with Limited Resources
- Job reference: 2024-08305
- Town/city : Sophia Antipolis
- Inria Team : NEO
- Deadline to apply :
Master Internship - Uncertainty Quantification for PET reconstructed images with AI
- Job reference: 2024-08383
- Town/city : Gif sur Yvette
- Inria Team : OPIS
- Deadline to apply :
Post-Doctoral Research Visit F/M Postdoctoral position in Quantum Information Theory
- Job reference: 2024-07856
- Town/city : Palaiseau
- Inria Team : AT-SAC AE
- Deadline to apply :
Post-Doctoral Research Visit F/M Personalized patient follow-up
- Job reference: 2023-06821
- Town/city : Villeneuve d'Ascq
- Inria Team : SCOOL
- Deadline to apply :
Internship: Towards expressive and tractable surrogate models for large scale inverse problems
- Job reference: 2024-08275
- Town/city : Montbonnot
- Inria Team : STATIFY
- Deadline to apply :
Post-Doctoral Research Visit F/M Computational design of next-generation optical metasurfaces
- Job reference: 2024-08398
- Town/city : Sophia Antipolis
- Inria Team : ATLANTIS
- Deadline to apply :